


iba nm foot, leg ~ ibi-cara nf foot
ibal pt so
ibalace vII to hurry (in walking),
to step out
iballacna nf hurry (in walking)
from iba and lacna
ibbirhe vI 1. to hold, to keep,
to arrest, to catch 2. to receive (intr)
~ yol mabbarhin I’m sorry! forgive me!
ibhige vI to be happy, to be glad,
to be joyful
ibiddile vI to change
ibissire vI to announce good news
ibittine vI to spread
ibkhile vI to be stingy
ibra nf needle pl ibor ~ ibra mude
vII to inject
ibrayshe vII to relay, to relieve,
to spell (to release smb from duty
by taking their place)
ibre nm turn, shift
ibrhiye vI to separate, to isolate
ibrike vI to kneel (of camel),
to settle down
icbide vI to be mad, to be crazy
icdire vI to be discouraged,
to be demoralized
icikkine vI to try, to test,
to tempt
icimmize vI to damage,
to hurt
icizzibe vI to cause to suffer
, to make difficult for,
to waste smb’s time, to punish in hell
icizzime vI to invite
iclishe vI to become heavy
icrhiye vI to deviate
ictite vI 1. to become sour
2. to curdle
idbile vI 1. to be disrespectful,
to be irreverent 2. to be rash
iddirire vI to eat supper/dinner
idhdha ind manner, quantity,
amount! idhdhah instead of,
substitute of
idhdhite vII to spy
idhdhiteenä nf spy, explorer (female)
idhdhiteena nm spy, explorer (male)
idhdho nf espionage
ifaaf nm opening, doorway
ifaare vII 1. to go out to work
(in the field, in the bush, etc.)
2. to undertake an expedition
ifanih pt early, soon, urgently
ifayto nm container for yoghurt
and milk
ifdibe vI to brave, to be courageous
ifdiye vI to repay a debt,
to give back,
to substitute
ife vII to give light, to illuminate
to shine
ifee nm opening, doorway
iffoyshe vII to light (a lamp),
to switch on (a light)
ifhime vI to understand
ifiddine vI to become wide
ifinfine vI to be repulsive
to sth or to smb
ifishe vII to light (a lamp),
to switch on (a light)
ifittishe vI to inspect,
to investigate
ifo nm light rel to ife ~
ifo-le vIII to be bright,
to be brilliant
ifqire vI to become poor
ifride vI to judge
ifrime vI to sign
ifrixe vI to be happy, to enjoy
ifriye vI to reproduce (intr)
iftixe vI 1. to unknot, to free,
to undo 2. to divorce
igdife vI to kill
igdile vI to break
iggida nm year
igiilite vII to swim
igiilo nm swim, swimming
igil nm lake
igirh nm scorpion
igizzire vI to slaughter,
to butcher
igraabo nf species of tree(s)
(Boscia salicifolia)
igribe vI 1. to freeze, to congea
l 2. to coagulate
igrice vI 1. to cut, to divide,
to saw 2. to cross
igziye vI 1. to rule over,
to dominate, to colonize
2. to punish (animal)
ihjime vI to attack, to assalt
i-iwwije vI to declare
ijaaza nf vacation
ikbire vI 1. to be glorified
2. to be expensive
ikfile vI to pay
ikhzine vI to store
ikkitiye vI 1. to knot 2. to be ready
iklibe vI to bend (tr), to bend again
, to fold, to turn over
iklithe vI to wrong, to make a
ikmile vI to be completed,
to be concluded
iko nf tooth ~ ikot-cayne/ikot-masxe
nm decayed tooth
ikshife vI 1. to spy, to control
2. to examine medically
iksibe vI to make a profit, to gain
iksise vI to accuse, to charge
ikxine vI to like, to desire,
to fall in love
ilaace vII to despise
ilaale vII to wait
ilac nm despising, contempt,
scorning, disdain
ilal nm waiting
ilaw nm grain, corn, cereal(s)
iliishe vII to engage for marriage,
to betroth
ilike vI to send, to send messages
ililite vII to stutter, to stammer
ilillige vI 1. to become sharp
2. to become keen (of things and person),
to become perspicacious
ililo nf stuttering, stutter, stammering,
stammer ~ ililo-le vIII to be dumb,
to be stutterer, to be stammerer
ililo-le see ililo
ilimmitse vI to paint (walls)
iliqhliqhe vI to paint (walls)
iliyas nm fifth brew of coffee
illa nf 1. natural spring
2. soreness due to the rubbing of
a pack/rope (of animals)
illiishe vII to get/to become
engaged (of men)
illikkixe vI to borrow
ilo nf stick
imaan nm faith, belief
imbissire vI 1. to be blind
2. to receive good news
imcizzibe vI to suffer
imfice vI to be useful to
imfiddige vI 1. to be stretched

2. to be expanded
imfilliye vI to be separated,
to be isolated
imfiye vI to sift
imirrishe vI to march
imishshithe vI to comb
imjillide vI to be covered
(of a book/an exercise-book)
imjinnine vI to be possessed
by an evil spirit
imliishe vII to get/to become
engaged (of women)
imlike vI to win
immingide vI to look like, to seem
immirrixe vI to be guided, to led
immissile vI to look like, to seem
imsinniqhe vI to be strangled/choked
imtixaan nm examination, test, trial
imtixine vI to examine, to test
imxibbishe vI to be in prison
ina nf mother ~ inat-agle f
step-brothers of a step-mother
inaarico nf type of spider
inamalë nf orphan (motherless)
inamale nm orphan (motherless)
incibe vI to hate, to be angry with,
to dislike
indaakiyo nf millipede
indacaaro nm species of fig tree(s)
(Ficus vasta)
indime vI to be sad, to be worry
about, to regret
indirkuxula nm species of tree(s),
‘Carrot tree’ (Steganotaenia araliacea)
ine vI to be (present), to exist,
to survive
ingide vI to trade
Ingiliiz nm England, English
ingo nf grandmother ~ ingot-ina nf
inik num one ~ inikan kee taman
num eleven, inki-cayna nf uniform thing
injiil nm Gospel
inketta pr single, one
inkettak see inketta
inkettiino nf union
inkidde see inki
inkim see inik
inki-waqhte pt at the same time,
inkoh ind all, entirely, as a whole,

inne pr ref myself
inni pos ref my own
inqac nm louse(s)
inqirribe vI to be prepared, to be ready
inqissibe vI to be obliged, to be forced
inqiyyire vI to be changed, to be shifted
insire vI to win
insixe vI to advise, to counsel
inthaathic nm flax
inti nf eye ~ intit-kabaro nf eyelid,
intit-qinrib/intit-sifo nm eyelash,
inti waye vII to be blind
intile nf net, fishnet
intimalë nf blind woman
intimale nm blind man
intsige vI to repel, to refuse,
to reject
intsiqhe vI to splash
iqhdibe vI to be sad
iqhirrire vI to decide
iqhishshishe vI to delude, to spoof
iqhiyyide vI to tie the legs to
prevent movement (of animals)
iqhliim nf region, zone
iqhliye vI to be expensive
iqhriye vI to read, to learn
iqhtisaad nm economy
iqhtsice vI to punish
irgide vI to dance (traditional)
Irhaafalo nm (village of) Irafale
irhga nf knowledge
irhibbishe vI 1. to stick, to join
2. to squat, to crouch
irhiggile vI to milk
irhxine vI to grind
irkibe vI to catch up with
iro nf 1. outside 2. excrement,
faeces (of human)! Irolle outside
~ irot-tiya nm foreigner,
tourist (male)
irolle see iro
irqiqhe vI 1. to become thin
2. to become light (of food),
to become delicate (of food)
irro nm children
isbire vI to be patient, to endure,
to withstand
iscibide vI to drive mad
iscilishe vI to weigh down,
to make difficult
iscillime vI to teach, to train
iscimire vI to develop
iscire vI to defeat
isfire vI to camp
ishaara nf indication (sign, mark),
ishaarishe vII to mark, to sign,
to indicate
ishe1 vII to make, to do
ishe3 pr ref yourself, himself, herself
ishhide vI to witness, to testify
ishi1 pos ref your own, his own, her own
ishi2 pr she
ishiqqithe vI to trade, to do business
ishrixe vI to explain, to demonstrate
isiile vI to draw, to take picture, to illustrate
isimmire vI to nail
isirrite vI to establish, to found
Isiya nf Asia
iskibire vI 1. to glorify, to honour,
to respect, to celebrate
2. to make expensive,
to increase the price
iskimile vI to complete
iskire vI to get drunk,
to intoxicate (oneself)
iskiyyide vI to thresh/thrash
(with animals)
islixe vI to be godly/pious/mercy
isnibe vI to latch, to bolt
isniqhe vI tr to strangle, to choke (tr)
isqiriye vI to teach
isqirribe vI to prepare
isqithe vI to press, to crush
isqiyyire vI to change, to shift (tr)
isriye vI to become strong
issifiddige vI 1. to stretch oneself
2. to expand (intr)
issilliye vI to pray
istaaz nm teacher (male)
istaaza nf teacher (female)
istibra nf washing of genitals
isticmaar nm ruling over, domination,
colony, colonialism
isticmire vI to rule over,
to dominate, to colonize
istilaam nm surrending
istilime vI to surrender
istintine vI to remember (intr)
istishhaad nm martyrdom
istishhide vI to be a martyr
isxibbire vI to indicate, to point to,
to show, to signify, to inform
isxibire vI to complete, to finish
isxiqhiqhe vI to dissolve
isxiriqhe vI 1. to make angry,
to irritate 2. to sink imp asxiriqhe
isxirrike vI to move (tr)
itbirrice vI to gift, to donate,
to contribute, to grant
itcibbire vI to surprise, to amaze
itcibe vI 1. to suffer
2. to be bothered, to be tired
itcijjibe vI to surprise, to amaze
itcillime vI to learn
ithbice vI to print
ithhire vI to be clean
ithimmite vI to check, to verify
ithinqiqhe vI to pay attention
ithirrife vI to pack, to put together
ithlime vI to abandon,
to desert, to forsake (tr), to neglect
ithmice vI to be stingy
ithrice vI to complain,
to claim
iththiwwire vI to develope (oneself)
itkibbire vI to be proud, to be arrogant
itkile vI 1. to plant 2. to found (a house)
Itobbiya nf Ethiopia
itre nm morning (about from 9 to 11)
itrire vI to be strong, to be hard
itsqitsice vI imp atsqitsice
itsriye vI to be clean, to be tidy
itstsibbire vI to wait
itsxiye vI to weed
itticikkine vI to be sorely tried
ittiminniye vI to desire, to wish,
to hope to have
itxirrike vI to move (intr)
iwilwile vI to polish
iwrishe vI to inherit
ixbire vI to be completed,
to be concluded
ixbishe vI to put in prison,
to imprison
ixfize vI 1. to study
2. to take care of
ixiddide vI to decide
ixiggire vI to program, to plan
ixinkishe vI to limp
ixkise vI to compensate,
to indemnify
ixlike vI to fetter
(cows or goats when milking)
ixqiqhe vI to be dissolved
ixriqhe vI 1. to be angry
2. to be sunk
ixtifaal nm celebration,
ixtifile vI to celebrate
, to commemorate
ixtime vI to print
ixzine vI to mourn (over a dead)
, to sorrow, to grieve, to be sad
iybiddile vI to exchange, to barter
iybirkite vI to economize,
to save (money)
iyfiddige vI 1. to stretch (tr),
to cause to stretch
2. to expand (tr)
iyfiddine vI to widen,
to spread out
iyfidibe vI to encourage
iyfiliye vI to separate
, to divide
iyfirixe vI to make happy,
to make glad
iyfiriye vI to bear fruits
iyfissire vI to translate,
to interpret
iyjillide vI to cover
(a book, an exercise-book)
iyjinnine vI to drive mad
iylikkixe vI to lend
iymirixe vI to guide, to lead
iymissile vI to imitate
iyniddife vI to clean
iyshidhdhige vI to inform,
to tell, to proclaim
iysihile vI to simplify,
to make easier, to make simpler
iysixixe vI to correct, to adjust
iythihire vI to clean
iythinqiqhe vII to warn
iythiwwire vI to make progress,
to develop
iyticibe vI 1. to cause to suffer
2. to bother, to tire
iytsiriye vI to clean, to tidy
iywiddixe vI to make sth clear,
to clarify
iyya int who?
iyyir nm bullet(s)
iyzikkire vI to cause to remember
, to remind
izbite vI to thresh/thrash (by hand)
izhire vI to appear, to be visible,
to be cleared up, to become clear
izikkire vI to remember (tr)
iziwwire vI to drive
izne nm permission, authorization
izzikkire vI to remember (intr)