


raa nf dam, reservoir
raace vII to remain, to delay
raadiyo nf radio
raat nm guide (especially
for the wedding)
raaxa nf comfort
raba nm death
rabac nm bull camel
Rabbi nm God, Lord
rabca nm harvest season
(in the highland)
rabe vII to die
rabsha nf disturbance,
rabuc nm Wednesday
racnan nm remaining, d
racto nf remainder
radde nm answer ~
radde oxoye vI to answer
rade vII to fall
radiid nm full beard
radnan nm fall, falling
rado nf strip of leather
ragad nm belt
rahyat nf pupil (of the eye)
raja nf hope, wish ~
rajat-girco nm disappointment
rakhbe nm conference
rakhiis nm cheap thing
rakub nm bull camel
ramac-erhxe vIV intr to
descend, to go down
var ramac-e; tr ramac-ishe to lower
ramacta nf bottom,
low place, inferior part,
ramadaan nm fast
Rashayida nf Rashaida
rashshä nf dead person,
corpse (female)
rashsha nm dead person,
corpse (male)
raxeena nf spring (of water),
raxma nf mercy, pity, compassion,
sympathy, ~ raxma-le vIII to be pitiful/
raxma-male vIII to be pitiless, to be
not compassionate, to be
raxma-le see raxma
raxma-male see raxma
raxmat nm rain
reeza nf pride
reezanto nm chief, leader
reeze vII to be proud
reezeenä nf proud person (female)
reezeena nm proud person (male)
rib nm proximity, vicinity, side !
ribille near, beside

riba nf usury
ribille see rib
ribta nm cheetah
riga nf ranging, lining up
rigdo nf dance (traditional)
rig-erhxe vIV intr to be straight tr
rig-ishe to straighten, to put
rigid nm low place, inferior part,
rii nm proximity, vicinity, side !
riille near, beside
riille see rii
riish nm first-born
rimid nm 1. root(s) 2. nerve(s)
rimmi nm termite(s)
riqhaaqhe nf 1. thinness
2. lightness, delicacy (of food)
riqhiqha vIII 1. to be thin
2. to be light/to be delicate (of food)
risaas nm pencil(s)
riste nm 1. property in land
2. inheritance
rixdo nf young heifer goat
rob nm rain ~ rob rade vII to rain
roblaano nf aeroplane/airplane pl
roblaanit m; ~ roblaanooti-macrafo
nf airport
robraat nf rainbow
rocda nf excitement, agitation
rokhsa nf permission, authorization
roomi nf knife
roora nf gradient, uphill
rooxe nm 1. body 2. breath 3. spirit,
soul pl rooxit m; ~ rooxi-dhamto
nf sense organs
rubuc nm a quarter
rufenta-le see rufto
rufto nf satisfaction ~ rufenta-le vIII
to be at rest, to be comfortable
rugä nf heifer calf
ruga nm bull calf
rukab stirrup
rukta nf 1. weakness, feebleness
2. softness, tenderness
rukuta vIII 1. to be weak
2. to be not fat (of people and
animals) 3. to be soft/tender
(of things and foods)
rumma nm 1. truth 2. justice pl
rummit m; ! rummah truly, indeed,
actually ~ rumma-le vIII to be truthful
rummah see rumma
rumma-le see rumma
ruuz nm rice
ruwat nm butter (before boiling),
butter for hair